Organic Marketing vs. Paid Advertising in Melbourne FL
With millions of websites jostling for online supremacy, getting your business the attention it deserves is tough work.
What makes things even harder is the number of marketing strategies out there, all of which claim to be better than the rest at driving hordes of users to your website.
Organic-Organic search results are determined by search engine algorithms and are based on the merits of each site. Paid advertisements sit alongside organic results and are bought rather than earned.
“While organic marketing is undoubtedly effective, it is a long-term strategy. It relies heavily on producing great content and having enough people discover it to build the top of your funnel. While they will often be stronger leads, this requires a lot of content (which is time-consuming in itself), and they could stumble across it a year or two later.”
“Paid marketing is all about getting the message out there now. A real “strike when the iron’s hot” mentality. It is able to deliver a current message with measurable results, all aimed at converting customers now. Paid traffic will of course cost money upfront, but it does have a key advantage over organic traffic: it’s quick. If you need to grow your topline quickly, this shouldn’t be overlooked! It also offers a way to get instant feedback on whether you are doing the right thing (hands up those who have spent months on an organic marketing campaign only to find out it was doomed from the start).”
Good organic search marketing works by building permanent traffic sources for your website — guest posts on other websites, valuable content assets hosted on your site and so on.
If you write a successful guest post on a high traffic website, you’ll continue receiving referral traffic for as long as that blog is still live. Even if we completely forgot about that guest blog, never updating it or sharing it on social media, it will continue delivering traffic month in month out. That’s the power of organic search marketing.
Thankfully, the choice between organic and paid isn’t an either-or choice. You can run both campaigns simultaneously — in fact, we recommend businesses do invest in a mix of paid search advertising and organic search marketing.
So, should you invest in organic or paid? The simple answer is that most businesses need both. Paid and organic campaigns can work together brilliantly, each one supporting the other and creating a much more effective overall marketing strategy.
Outerspection-Organic Branding in Brevard is a a local branding firm offering website design, graphic design, social media marketing, print products and corporate photography. What this means is you receive hands on, face to face attention while we create, develop, and maintain a local voice for your brand.
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